
Standing Rock: The Native Americans Won, Right?

On my show, I try to present facts.  I am certainly very opinionated and not afraid to express my feelings on things, but I honestly try to understand the whole picture.  I try to see both sides of an argument, and I dig deep trying to prove one way or the other.  I seek TRUTH.  So what's the deal with Standing Rock?

The DAPL or Dakota Access Pipeline, which is also sometimes referred to as the situation at Standing Rock, is not really being thoroughly covered in the news, but I knew something was going on out in North Dakota, so I wanted to know more.  What is REALLY going on out there?  Why isn’t it being covered by the media?  Why do the Native Americans think they have rights to the land?  How are the Native Americans being treated?  I covered most of these things in last week’s show, so please listen to it if you aren't familiar with the details. 

I am continuing the discussion about Standing Rock on my next show.  But why do I care about the Standing Rock Sioux Water Protectors?  The water they are fighting over has nothing to do with me, I am not Native American, and I have lots of other things going on in my life.  But I keep finding out more and more about what is really going on out there and it makes me SICK!!! 

What’s that?  You saw on the news that the Native Americans won their battle?  The Army Corps of Engineers just said on Sunday that they will not grant the permits for the construction company to build the pipeline under the Missouri River.  So that means it’s over right?  WRONG!  There is so much more to it than just that.  Listen to my next show to understand why.  Tuesday, December 6 at 7pm Eastern, I will explain more about this situation.

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