
Trump Makes Me Laugh

Donald Trump’s first two weeks of presidency has been like no other weeks in the history of our country.  There have been protests over his presidency, chaos because of his executive orders, some of the least understood choices for his cabinet choices leading to cabinet confirmation hearings filled with enraged senators, involving family members in his decision making, and banning immigrants from 7 primarily Muslim countries.  Houses are divided, friends are removing friendships from social media, arguments break out in places as never seen before, and it seems the overall feeling of our country, if not the world, is a feeling of being baffled and in fear.
Of course, there are those die hard Trump supporters that insist on defending his every word and action, but those people seem to be in the minority.  I continually try to understand how or why he would take some of the stances he takes, and I have yet to figure out this man who leads our country.  We thought Obama would bring change?  Heck...whatever change he did bring will probably be undone or changed more AND Trump is already making more changes in two weeks than Obama seemed to in 8 years.  If nothing else, he is certainly getting everyone talking politics!  I find myself glued to the news, even though I KNOW the news on TV does not tell the whole story, and sometimes not even the truth!  But I, along with so many of my fellow Americans, cannot peel myself away from politics. 

I have very mixed emotions about many of the things Trump has said and done.  There is no way anyone can look me straight in the eye and tell me there were more people at his inauguration than any in the past, yet he and his press secretary swore up and down that was true.  However, I do think more people watched the inauguration than any in the past, between TV, Live Feeds, Streaming from networks, YouTube videos, etc.  And I know that the saying “takes an act of congress” exists because it is nearly impossible to get anything done in a timely fashion when involving congress, but I have to believe there is some better way than taking forever with Congress and enacting ridiculous bans haphazardly and immediately.  I don’t necessarily object to the ban or “extreme vetting”, but things like that cannot be done overnight!  Well, they can, and did, but it was a nightmare that is continuing through courts every day.

Someone once told me when faced with something you cannot handle, you can choose to laugh or cry.  I always try to choose laughter, so I am trying to see the humor in all of this.  For one thing, no one will question Trump’s ability to piss off anyone in the world.  They also cannot question his ability to be concise; his favorite form of communication is Twitter!  In fact, these two weeks have provided so much satirical material that the potential for funny memes and SNL skits is endless.

If nothing else, I think the world has learned in these two weeks (if they ever doubted it) that Donald Trump is going to do what Donald Trump wants.  It may or may not make sense to anyone other than him, we may or may not ever get the truth of what is really going on, and rest assured the media will continue scrutinizing his every move….while he continues to ignore them. (Or Tweet in retaliation to the media.) I have learned one thing for sure these past two weeks: Trump doesn’t care what I think.  It doesn’t matter what you think, either.  It matters what he thinks.  I just pray that he thinks the right things for the direction of our country!

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